DIY Liquid Laundry Detergent

Liquid Laundry Detergent

1 bar grated castile soap or fels naptha

1 C. super washing soda

1 C. borax

30-50 drops of your favorite
essential oil

On medium-high heat, in a large pot, simmer 1 quart of pure water along with the grated soap, stirring continuously until melted. 
Do NOT allow to boil. 
Remove pot from heat and add remaining ingredients stirring vigorously until dissolved. 
Pour contents of pot into a 5 gallon bucket and begin to slowly add 2 gallons of pure water while continuing to stir. 
Let laundry soap sit for 24 hours prior to use. This will allow it to thicken into a gel like consistency.
*after 24 hour thickening period, you may use a funnel to transfer soap into alternative storage bottles. 
*This is a low suds recipe so it works just as well in high efficiency machines
*If, after the soap as cooled, it is too think for your liking, you can add water slowly until your desired consistency.  Not too much though, it is supposed to be a gel-like.

Fabric Softener

4.5 liters white vinegar

10-20 drops of essential oils

Use one cup of this mixture in the final rinse as you would regular fabric softener


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