Are you ready to Sacrifice?

Let's talk about SACRIFICE for a minute.... what does that even mean?  Are you doing it?  Are you willing to do it??  Why would you do it???  

Sacrifice is a loss, or something you give up, usually for a better cause.  When you think of where you are in your life, are you living the live you DREAMED of?  Do you have all the things you EVER wanted?  Do you have the job you ALWAYS wanted.  Are you living in the place that you would never imagine leaving because you LOVE it so much? Do you feel as SUCCESSFUL as you could possibly imagine? If not, are you ready to SACRIFICE where you currently are, what you currently have, for a BETTER LIFE?  

This is a hard concept for me to wrap my head around.  I have worked hard for the life I am currently living, but at the same time, I KNOW there is more out there for me.  I KNOW that I have not reached my full potential.  I KNOW that there are many opportunities out there to help me grow.  To evolve.  To become an even BETTER version of myself.  But I have to be willing to SACRIFICE who I am now to BECOME the person I COULD be.  This makes me think of a tree that loses all its leaves in the winter.  It has grown those beautiful leaves all through the spring and the summer, but it then sacrifices those leaves and sits bare through the winter, so that it can become even more beautiful and stronger the following spring.  

Arborvitae is the oil of Sacrifice.  It can invite individuals to sacrifice their current self for a more fulfilling way of life.  It encourages individuals to surrender to God, or whatever you believe in, so that the mind and soul can have harmony and peace.  Give it a try next time you are meditation, or creating your vision board, or setting you next goals, to reach your highest hopes and dreams!  If you want to give it a try, you can order it here:  


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