Black Spruce- The oil of stability

Black Spruce contains high amounts of the chemical constituent bornyl acetate, which provides a calming aroma. Diffuse it or apply it to the back of the neck throughout the day to enjoy a relaxing sensation and promote feelings of clear airways and easy breathing. Black Spruce also features a cooling, soothing sensation when applied topically. Dilute it with a carrier and massage it into the skin or tired muscles for a comforting massage.

Primary Benefits

  • Soothes tired muscles.
  • Provides a calming, relaxing aroma.
  • Promotes feelings of clear airways and easy breathing.
  • Soothes minor skin irritations.


  • Combine with carrier oil and massage into the skin for soothing comfort.
  • Diffuse throughout the day for a relaxing aroma.
  • Apply to the skin to help soothe minor skin irritations.
  • Inhale throughout the day to promote feelings of easy breathing.

Directions for Use

Aromatic use: Place three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice.

Topical use: Apply one to two drops to the desired area. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimize any skin sensitivity.



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