Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Jody Simmer. I currently live in Ketchikan, Alaska with my beautiful family. Let me quickly share my "oil" story...
In March 2005 my oldest daughter was born with Spina Bifida. Upon brining her home from the hospital at 6 weeks old and barely weighing in at 5lbs she was put on some very strong medication, with a long list of negative side effects. The worst to me being “CAUSES HEAT STROKE” and here I was bringing her home to Arizona in May. My husband and I were very concerned about the medication and just didn’t feel comfortable having her take it. I contacted the Dr. and asked that he explain to me one more time why she needed to be on this particular medication. His response was not an explanation of how her body indicated it was needed. His response was “Because she has Spina Bifida”. That is when I had my “ah-ha” moment and realized that sometimes doctors are very robotic in their actions and seem to prescribe medications based on a blanket diagnoses and not based on the individual patient. From that point on I knew that I wanted something better, healthier, more natural for my family, although I didn’t know what that was. Fast forward 6 years…
In April 2011 I was introduced to essential oils. I knew that essential oils were used in massage, but I was very interested to learn more about their therapeutic and medicinal benefits. I was quite skeptical when I was first asked to try them, but I agreed to try them for 3 months as a way to support my family naturally and to see if I truly believed in the product… AND I DO! I have been amazed at the versatility and effectiveness of theses oils! I LOVE essential oils and I love teaching my my family and friends about them! I am so excited that now I can take a more holistic approach to the healthcare needs of my entire family and help support our bodies naturally!
My family has used essential oils with great success! They have helped support healthy body functions, to enhance feelings of relaxation, stress relief, energy and rejuvenation. We have diffused essential oils in our home to enhance feelings of calmness, balance, and joy and I have even started using essential oils to make all my own cleaning products. They are amazing in every way!
I would love for you to join me on this journey!
Happy Oiling